About us
What we do

ALIF is a Full Time Non – Profit Socio-Religious Organization in Hyderabad, Telengana, India. It is founded by group of advocates and presided by Adv. Nizam Ali Khan. This Foundation is registered under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act 2001.
ALIF TV is a Full Time Non – Profit Da’wah, Islah, Social and Welfare Organization in, Hyderabad, Telengana State, India. It is founded and presided by Adv. Mir Nizam Ali Khan. ALIF TV is registered under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act 2001.
Alhumdulillaah ! ALIF TV conducts programs locally, nationally and internationally, for the same, public talks with question and answer sessions, Inter-religious Dialogues and Inter-Faith Debates in the public as well as Symposiums and Seminars are held by ALIF TV under the supervision of Madani & Umri Ulemas. ALIF TV Islamic Foundation regularly invites Ulamas / Speakers to deliver talks and conduct training classes to brothers and sisters at the office.

With the world we live in today appearing to polarize it-self from Islam for in-numeral reasons, of which major most being the Muslim community as a whole not sincerely and seriously outreaching the Non Muslim section of the community in the world to let them receive and understand Islam which many Muslims received since birth.
The other major reason is the advantage taken by the anti Islamic and the anti Muslim section of the world popular electronic and print media to malign and defame Islam by investing ‘insensibly’ and ‘insanely’ all at its disposal.